Transform Your Mind with BWRT®

Effective Solutions for Trauma and Anxiety

Discover a specialised approach to overcoming stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil with BWRT®.

Kim Barden BWRT

Kim Barden

BA (Hons), Supervisor (APHP), MIBWRT®(Adv) Practitioner & Hypnotherapist

Kim Barden is a seasoned therapist specialising in BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® (BWRT) and Clinical hypnotherapy. With years of experience, Kim has dedicated her career to helping individuals navigate and overcome complex psychological challenges related to trauma, stress, and anxiety.

How Can BWRT Help You?

  • Addictive Behaviour
  • Alcoholism
  • Anger Issues
  • Anxiety and anxiety disorders
  • Binge Eating & Drinking
  • Bullying
  • Confidence
  • Childhood trauma
  • Depression
  • Driving Test and Exam Nerves
  • Eating Disorders
  • Fear of Authority
  • Fear of Failure
  • Gambling
  • Generalised Anxiety Disorder (G.A.D.)
  • Grief
  • Habits & Behaviours
  • Health anxiety
  • Identity issues
  • Imposter Syndrome
  • Loneliness
  • Motivation & Procrastination
  • Obsessive Behaviour
  • OCD
  • Performance Anxiety
  • Performance Enhancement
  • Phobias, Fears & Anxiety
  • PTSD – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Relationship Issues
  • Self-Worth & Self-Confidence
  • Sexual Issues
  • Social Phobias
  • Stress
  • Substance Abuse
  • Success Inhibition
  • Sleep issues
  • … and more

Our Specialised Services

BWRT® for Trauma

BWRT® is fast, safe, and yet effective. It targets therapy for trauma survivors looking to reclaim control of their emotional responses and lead a healthier life. The best bit is that you don’t have to tell me about the trauma.

BWRT® for Anxiety Relief

Customised sessions designed to address and mitigate the symptoms of anxiety, fostering a calm and controlled mindset within a few sessions.

BWRT® Neural Manifestation

Unlock your full potential with Neural Manifestation – honing your ‘success neurons’ to cut through failure like a laser! Harness the power of your mind to overcome trauma, stress, and anxiety with BWRT® in Guildford, Surrey. Experience transformation and rediscover your inner strength today.

BWRT® Plus Programme

Life Coaching is good for some people – but BWRT® Plus is a faster, wider-ranging, easier and more effective Personal Life Upgrade System and it’s totally suitable for YOU! It works in the background below the level of conscious awareness to make success almost inevitable.

What Kim's Clients Say


‘On my first session, I opened up to Kim like nobody before, I felt a warmth and a caring nature, and I felt comfortable sharing some of the darkest moments I have encountered in the past.


‘If you are in need of somebody kind, gentle, yet constructive, you will surely find this with Kim. She will reassure you, give you guidance and support you with BWRT which make you feel safe and encouraged to let go and step forward with a new mind set.’

a brain with glowing light

Kim is a sensitive and intuitive therapist. I cannot recommend her highly enough. Kim was able to address and help me with some complex historic trauma using BWRT, as well as support me and help me understand anxiety in the present.


BWRT Creed

Registered BWRT Practitioners adhere rigidly to this creed and will seek professional guidance from senior BWRT Mentors where they deem it to be advisable or necessary.

The BWRT ethos is that the wellbeing of the client is paramount and therefore the BWRT Practitioner will ensure a constancy of demeanour and diligent application of their skills in the pursuit of that wellbeing.

The BWRT Practitioner knows that nobody can control what they think or how they feel, only their response to such thoughts or feelings, and is therefore non-judgemental. They will apply their skills appropriately and without criticism to relieve distress and foster wellbeing.

Everybody has thoughts and feelings they prefer to keep to themselves and the BWRT Practitioner will not insist they be divulged. On very rare occasions, it is beneficial to explore such thoughts and feelings, but the Practitioner will make every effort to avoid that need.


Terence Watts (MCGI)

BWRT Creed

Get Started Today With BWRT®

Don't let stress, anxiety, or trauma control your life. Discover how BWRT® can help you today. Contact us to learn more or to schedule your first session.


(+44) 7771 631 614




Code of Ethics (APHP)

