About Kim Barden

BA (Hons), International MIBWRT® (Adv) Practitioner

About Kim Barden KB24

Kim Barden

Who is Kim Barden?

Kim Barden is an experienced Level 2 BWRT® Practitioner with over 10 years of experience as a therapist. She holds advanced certifications in BrainWorking Recursive Therapy® specialising in treating phobias, trauma, stress, anxiety, anger, OCD, and depression, plus much more.

What is an MIBWRT® (Adv) Practitioner?

An MIBWRT® practitioner is a therapist who is registered with the Institute of BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (MIBWRT). BWRT® stands for BrainWorking Recursive Therapy®, a psychological and psychotherapeutic model created by Terence Watts (MCGI). Practitioners use BWRT® to address a range of issues, including anxiety, depression, fears, phobias, weight loss, and smoking cessation. They must demonstrate current membership with the Institute, ensuring they meet professional standards and adhere to the ethical guidelines of BWRT® practice.

BWRT® is NOT Hypnotherapy

BWRT® (Brain Working Recursive Therapy®) and hypnotherapy differ in several key ways:

  1. Technique: BWRT® uses a scientific process to reprogramme thought patterns by inducing a mental ‘freeze state,’ without hypnosis or relaxation techniques .
  2. Approach: BWRT® is based on the latest neuroscience and focuses on creating new neural pathways quickly, often without discussing past experiences. In contrast, hypnotherapy uses guided relaxation and focused attention to achieve a trance state where suggestions can be made to the subconscious mind .
  3. Process: BWRT® does not involve tapping, stroking, eye movement, or fixation techniques used in hypnotherapy.
  4. Client Experience: Clients undergoing BWRT® remain fully aware and alert, while hypnotherapy often involves a trance-like state.

About Kim

I have a compassionate approach and dedication to my clients’ well-being so that I become a trusted professional in the therapeutic community. I have been privileged to successfully help countless individuals overcome their psychological challenges and achieve lasting positive and permanent change.

One of the key techniques I employ is BrainWorking Recursive Therapy (BWRT®), a modern therapeutic approach that has shown remarkable effectiveness in treating various conditions, particularly phobias and trauma. BWRT® works by helping clients rewire their neural pathways, enabling them to respond to triggers in healthier ways rather than through fear or anxiety.

Moreover, I have extensive experience with trauma-informed therapy (BWRT®) which equips me to support those who have experienced significant psychological trauma. Understanding the profound impact trauma can have on a person’s life, I can provide a safe and compassionate environment for clients to process their experiences and heal. The best part is that you don’t have to keep reliving the experience or even tell me about it.

Throughout my decade-long career, I have built a reputation for my empathetic and effective therapeutic approach. My personalised treatment plans and dedication to my clients’ progress have made a significant difference in many lives. Whether you are struggling with phobias, OCD, trauma, anxiety, or depression, I can provide the expertise and support needed to overcome these challenges and achieve a more fulfilling life. Why not book a 15-min free consultation with Kim to see how she can help you!

Get Started Today With BWRT®

Don't let stress, anxiety, or trauma control your life. Discover how BWRT® can help you today. Contact us to learn more or to schedule your first session.


(+44) 7771 631 614





Code of Ethics (APHP)

